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Would North Coast residents receive electricity from local offshore wind development?

The proposed (1) new 500/115-kilovolt (kV) transformer and approximately 6-mile line connecting offshore wind energy to the local Humboldt Bay grid means that electricity generated by offshore wind would directly benefit residents around Wigi (2)/Humboldt Bay and those directly connected to the local Humboldt Bay electric grid. It is important to note that this local plug-in would not necessarily fix all transmission-related needs in rural regions of the North Coast. It would, however, supply regional lines with non-fossil fuel-generated energy.


Additionally, the added energy source point and interconnection with the state wide grid would also contribute to overall grid reliability in the region because the current 115 kV interconnection with the statewide grid does not meet the energy needs of the region, making the methane-burning Humboldt Bay Generating Station (3) presently instrumental to keeping the power on throughout the County. With the upgrades proposed (1) by the California Independent Systems Operator (CAISO), North Coast residents would no

Schematic of CAISO's plan to interconnect Humboldt 500 kV line to State grid.

Overall plan to interconnect Humboldt 500 kV to CAISO system.

Source: CAISO (1)

longer have to rely on this single source of energy to keep the lights on in their homes.


As future transmission planning processes move forward, it will be important for our region to work with the State to ensure additional electrical infrastructure investments that would allow for greater industrial electrification, such as a zero-emissions wind terminal at the Port of Humboldt, and for investments in electrical distribution infrastructure to increase energy capacity and reliability in our more rural communities.


  1. California Independent Systems Operator. (2024, April 1). Draft 2023-2024 Transmission Plan.

  2. Wiyot Tribe. (n.d.). Wiyot Placename Video [Video]. 

  3. California Energy Commission. (2024). Humboldt Bay Generating Station.

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